Central Christian College of Kansas is excited to announce the Mabee Foundation has approved a…
2021-2022 Marked by Courage & Pride
The following is a reflection from Chief Academic Officer Jacob Kaufman, CC’04.
If I were asked to narrow my thoughts down to one or two words regarding the 2021-22 school year here at CCCK, I would choose the words COURAGE and PRIDE.
COURAGE was seen on multiple levels in our community this year. We frequently forget that we began both semesters with COVID regulations. This meant that many of our students had to spend days in quarantine or isolation, a taxing experience for their emotional and physical well-being. It took tremendous COURAGE for our residential students to complete classes remotely, balance school, work, and extra-curricular activities, and, for some, battle the anxiety created by hardship at home. Our online students also showed great COURAGE as they persevered through school in spite of challenges in the workplace, caring for sick parents and children, and all of the other hurdles in their lives that continuously attempt to prevent them from reaching their goals.
I also witnessed great COURAGE in our faculty and staff who diligently worked hours of overtime to accommodate the needs of students who were feeling the weight of COVID. Faculty eagerly learned to implement new technology and utilize cameras for Zoom sessions, collaborated and communicated with our Student Success Team, and modified curricula in order to effectively reach our students as they staunchly pressed on. Whew – bravo. Our students were consistently cared for by staff who brought food to them during isolation, made phone calls, sent emails, delivered necessary items to care for their physical and spiritual needs, and carried out thousands of behind-the-scenes actions that went unnoticed.
The teamwork among students, faculty, and staff this year reflects the great God that we serve and exemplifies the mission to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength as we love our neighbors.
And now, at the close of another academic year, it is time to rejoice in our annual commencement ceremony. While this is an annual event, commencement is about more than just recognizing the events of the last year; it is the culmination of a multi-year journey.
Each graduate represents approximately forty completed courses for a Bachelor’s degree (twenty for an Associate’s). These courses represent a wide and varied set of experiences, constituting hundreds of hours of reading, writing, studying, and collaborating. For many, this time rushed by much too quickly. For others, it may have seemed like the clock slowed down as we got closer and closer to the end.
Either way – recognizing all that has happened over the last few years, it took COURAGE to finish strong.
While we tend to view PRIDE as a negative aspect of our experience, there is a type of PRIDE that is both pure and virtuous. This type of PRIDE emerges out of a genuine appreciation for the work of others, especially in the face of adversity.
We here at the College are immensely proud of our student body, and we anxiously anticipate celebrating the successful completion of the collegiate careers of our residential and online students. In the same way, we are full of PRIDE as we review the tremendous dedication, work, and guidance made by our faculty and staff as they have invested heart and soul into our student body and the mission of the College.
CCCK has focused on providing a Christ-Centered Education for Character to our students, and during this year’s Baccalaureate and Ivy Cutting ceremony, and the 138th annual Commencement ceremonies, we are thrilled to celebrate not only the accomplishments of our students, but the act of sending them into the world, students who are faithful stewards of heart, soul, mind, and strength.
We are thankful for the COURAGE and feel great PRIDE, as together we have sought to honor God with the resources and gifts entrusted to us.
Jacob Kaufman
Central Christian College of Kansas is a regionally accredited institution offering undergraduate and graduate-level programs. Central strives to offer Christ-centered education for the whole person – heart, mind, soul, and strength. Its history dates back to 1884, and it is located in the friendly town of McPherson, Kansas. Central is a strategically small college that offers over forty areas of residential study and a thriving online program for non-traditional students. To learn more about Central’s areas of study check out the degree offerings.